Wednesday, February 17, 2016

How To Remedy Bad Blood Circulation In 20 Minutes

At one point of time we have all suffered of this phenomenon. If you have poor blood circulation and have high blood pressure, there are some great physical activities that can take it all away. However, it is important to note that Hypertension is often a hereditary disease. When a parent is diagnosed with hypertension, the risk of developing the disease doubles among your children. According to the American Heart Association regular physical activity, maintain a healthy weight, manage stress, avoid tobacco smoke, comply with medication prescriptions, limited alcohol consumption can help to control and prevent high blood pressure.

Here are few examples to achieve those exercises in 15-20 minutes, to prevent hypertension and improve your blood circulation.

1. Stretching

Stretching is the first thing in the morning before you get out of bed. Simply stretch the arms and legs gently, but avoid stretching an injured muscle or stiffed one.
Stretching helps prevent high blood pressure by optimizing the bloodstream. In addition, it helps promote joint lubrication and improve breathing.

2. Walking on your heels

Standing, lift your toes and walk on your heels. Make sure all your muscles are contracted. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times. Note that walking on your heels helps stretch and strengthen the muscles of the calves and the extensor feet.

3. Neck stretching

This exercise will help to improve blood circulation and prevent hypertension. Turn maximum head to the right and to the left, to relax the muscles of your neck. Allow 10 seconds on each side

To finish, make a circular motion with your head and try to touch your chest with your chin. Do not worry if you hear crackling sounds , this indicates that you perform the exercises correctly and you stretch the ligaments of the neck successfully.